How to Be Body Positive

You define beauty. Society doesn't define your beauty.

- Lady Gaga

Unfollow accounts

Unfollow accounts that make you feel bad about yourself and follow accounts that promote the body type that inspires you.

Positive self talk

Instead of fixating on your perceived flaws, focus on what you love about your body. Add one new trait each day, for a week.

Intentional Movement

Move not to achieve an aesthetic but intentionally move your body because it’s good for your health and it creates feel good hormones for you to uplift your mood and energy.

Start a positivity bank

Create a "positives" list filled with any compliments or something nice you thought about yourself. You now have a list to refer back to to remind yourself of all the good that you are.

Share your feelings

Reach out to a friend or loved one and share how you're feeling. Chances are you are not alone and when you realize you're not in isolation you can connect and work through your thoughts together.

Read more about how to build body confidence