How I Knew It Was Time to Quit My Job
Nothing is worth it if you aren't happy and healthy.
So many people believe that happiness comes from a high-paying job but from my experience my happiness came from leaving a corporate job.
When you don't have your health you don't have anything. My health began to worsen at work and I was not able to show up as my best self at work or in my personal life. Are you taking care of your whole self?
Your health is #1.
The career path did not excite me
The trajectory into upper management positions did not align with where I wanted my career to go. Take a look at what path you truly want for yourself - it is not always the one that is laid out in front of you.
I stopped waking up happy
In a job where I was once immensely happy to put in long hours and learn, I slowly began to begrudgingly go into work. The happiness and eagerness I felt had disappeared.
When you begin typing into a search box on when the right time is or how do you know when the right time is - it is closer to the time than you might think.
I Googled 'When to quit my job'
Learn more reasons on how I knew it was the right time to quit.