It can be much easier to create a story in your head about how you’re not doing enough. You could have been more productive, you could have been nicer, you could have eaten better. The list truly does go on.
What if instead of us focusing on what we aren’t doing ‘right’, that we instead focused our efforts and energy on all the things we are and we actually celebrated it all?
Before getting into tips on how to celebrate yourself, it’s noteworthy to share to not reward and celebrate yourself in a way that is actually reinforcing a negative habit you are trying to break.
For example, if you have a sugar addiction and it’s been affecting your health, it’s important to not celebrate yourself by having sugar cookies. An exercise that could be helpful for you is to write down what you are celebrating, why you are celebrating it, and how you can continue your upward trajectory.
Create a list of daily accomplishments
It can be in your Notes app, a journal, or somewhere that is handy for you but write down your list of accomplishments that day. Not what you didn’t do but all the little things you did that stretched yourself a little bit. It could be buying vegetables so you can cook this week, it could be scrolling less on your phone, it could be taking your supplements – whatever it is, write it down so you can take a moment to look at the list and feel proud of yourself.
Share the joy
Tell someone. Did you do something you said you would do and you feel proud of yourself? It’s nice to feel support from those that want to see you win. Share your joy and accomplishments with others. Good energy begets good energy.
Have a dance party
It can feel silly to have a dance party for yourself but sometimes it’s the silly activities or moments in our day that bring us the most joy. Turn on your favorite tunes and dance your heart out in the privacy of your own safe space at home.
Create a joyful ritual
There is comfort in rituals. Create a list of “small” things that bring you joy. Is it a cup of your favorite coffee? Perhaps visiting a specific area of town that always makes you happy? Identify what these are so the next time you accomplish something that means something to you, turn to this ritual as your “reward”.
Give yourself a break
Depending on what you are accomplishing, try giving yourself a break. If you completed a hard project at work, give yourself some rest by taking a nap, taking a day off if you can, or powering down on the weekend. When we live in a go, go, go society, it’s nice – and necessary – to find moments to unplug and recharge.
Celebrating yourself is necessary so that we can continue to check in with ourselves and give ourselves the love, care, and compassion that we need.
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