Food and how to eat well for your body type and specific needs are tricky topics for most people. With so many different approaches ranging from a strictly raw diet to being vegan to paleo and keto, it can be very confusing on how to eat healthy. Despite the general guidelines below, the most important aspect to remember is to do what feels right for you and to always consult with a doctor for any dietary specific needs you may have.
Prolonged juice cleanses can be stressful for your body
‘Cleanse’ has become such a triggering word in the wellness community. It’s generally wrapped up with some type of detox juice cleanse which drastically limits your daily caloric intake. Unless there is a specific health reason why you may lean on cleanses of this sort, it’s best to consult with a doctor on this. Being healthy can simply mean staying hydrated, moving your body, and your body will naturally reset itself with time.
Listen to yourself
Listen to yourself. Your body knows when you need more food to keep your energy levels up and it also knows when you may be overindulging because you end up getting a stomach ache. Pay attention to how food reacts with your body and act accordingly. When you subscribe to someone else’s diet or way of living you run the risk of not listening to what your body is telling you.
Be present and mindful when you eat
How many times do you scroll social media, work on your computer, or watch your favorite show while you eat? Be present with each food and bite that you take. You’ll get to learn what foods you really appreciate, what may or may not work well with your body, and you will also notice when your gut and brain tell you that you’ve had enough to eat.
Respect your journey
Respect what your body needs and what it looks like. All bodies are good bodies. You may not look like the Instagram model with a million followers – but neither does she. In a world of filters, angles, and good lighting, respect and honor the body that you are in. When you approach your body with this mindset, this will help you as you approach your food choices. Do you find yourself restricting your food choices because you want to fit into a different size? Respect who you are and what your own needs are. If you have trouble in believing this, positive affirmations have helped me discover my worth.
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