With the days all blending into one another and all your competing priorities, this is your reminder to just be. Remember to breathe. When you find yourself getting wrapped up in the stress of the day, remind yourself to take a breath and change the energy within you.
A 2015 study showed that those who were workaholics had a higher than average risk of burnout, depression, poor health, and decreased life satisfaction. In addition, they were also more likely to experience fatigue and poor-quality sleep.
Sometimes all one needs is to set their environment to be more conducive to relaxation. Try setting the mood and rather than your overhead lights at home, use candles or dim lighting to wind down.
Do you have your work papers all around you? Try simplifying your work space so that only your top priorities are seen. The less in front of you, the more you can focus on what you need to and shut down more easily.
When you're so focused on work, it can be very easy to neglect your health. Take 30 minutes out of your day to call your doctors and schedule your check-ups. Despite what people may tell you, money is not wealth. Health is.
Inbox zero doesn't mean anything in the real world. Respond to what's urgent and if you haven't responded to email within two weeks, archive it in your inbox so you can move on. Urgent matters will find it's way back.
The little moments you treat yourself to in a day always matter but long lasting meaningful change happens when you can create consistency. Can you end work at 6pm, twice a week, and go for an evening stroll? Can you consistently cook one meal a week instead of ordering take out? Find your moments.