How to Enjoy Your Mondays

If Monday has you feeling some type of way, start setting yourself up for success the night before. Lay out your clothes, go to bed early, review your schedule beforehand so you are less overwhelmed.

A morning routine sets the tone for your day and it gives you a chance to plan ahead. Enjoy a cup of coffee at home, journal, meditate, create your action items, do something that is specifically for you before you need to react to the external world.

Spend a few minutes at night putting away what you need to so that in the morning, you don’t feel overwhelmed by clutter and can be ready to take Monday on.

Between your meetings or after work, schedule something joyful. Scheduling a meeting with a friend or signing up for a dance class can help you ensure you get your work done on time and are ready to let out some joyful energy!

Rather than waiting to write your emails on Monday, start on Friday and preschedule your emails to go out first thing Monday morning. 

Your days feel so much more full when you are building something that is in line with your purpose.