In August 2017, as some of you may know, I was lucky enough to attend the Propel Co:Labs Fitness Festival in Los Angeles. I have been to my fair share of fitness events but I know that any time Propel is involved, it is going to be an event that is times 10000%! I didn’t think the team at Propel could top last year’s festivities but they certainly did! This year, the workouts were just so fun – so many opportunities to sweat and hang out with celeb musical guests (what’s up Ludacris!)
First off, before getting our sweat in, I love that these events are opportunities to reconnect with familiar faces. There once was a time when I didn’t know anyone involved in fitness. It felt a bit scary to go to events without knowing a single person but what is so awesome about getting out of your comfort zone is that you get to connect with other ladies who get your vibes. It’s not everyone that will dedicate a Saturday and Sunday to working out (or whatever your interest may be!), so when you’re in your element and you see other people enjoying themselves just as much as you are, you know you are with your community and tribe. The next time you’re in a situation where you don’t know anyone, try going up to someone and say ‘hello!’ A hello goes a long way and that’s where all of these friendships started. 🙂
The festival itself, is the perfect cross between Coachella and your favorite boutique gyms. My workout schedule was a bit intense but with all the endorphins running through me plus all the Propel water to hydrate me, I was good to go all day long. Despite all of the sweat throughout both days, it was really such an awesome reminder of what the body is truly capable of! Here’s what I was up to last weekend ~
Playlist Yoga
Prevail Boxing
Icona Pop x Get Fit With Giddy
Speedplay x The Box
Transforming Negativity
Prevail Boxing (it was so good the first day, I had to go back for more!)
Nicole Winhoffer x Ludacris

The concept of this festival is awesome for a fitness enthusiast and professional like myself but it’s also so great if you are a newbie as well! You’ll get to try out the hottest gyms all across the U.S. in one location and in just a short period of time. Because of the festival, I know that the next time I’m in Miami, I’m going to have to check out The Box (because it was SO GOOD). When I’m in Chicago, I’ll have to visit my friend Gideon who leads the most amazing HIIT workouts. They’re so hard but you almost forget about how tough they are because of his positive vibes! Propel only recruits the best of the best, so if you are in Miami, Chicago, or New York – they are coming for you next! Make sure to check out Propel events when they’re in your city! I promise it will be so worth it!
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